Dr U Srinivasa Raghavan, Chairman, Indian Postal Department (since retired)
Image Audit brings the Management closest to the customers and interpret the customers' point of view, so that the best services can be given to them.
Mr B Suresh Kamath, Managing Director, Laser Soft Infosystems Ltd., Chennai
Image Audit helps to manage external and internal expectations, extremely well. It can also help to boost the performance of IT and Service Sector companies.
Dr S P Kirubanithi, President, Bharatiya Janata Party, Tamilnadu
Image Audit is the most successful way to determine different facts about existing combination of parties and it will give an explicit and clear idea about who should be relied upon for the success in the electoral battle
Officers' Voice - January 2003
It is also relevant to note that virtually no other trade union has undertaken an image audit. The exercise, apart from providing feedback and suggestions, becomes a unique event in Corporation Bank Officers Organisation history and possibly in the trade union movement of our country
Shanthi Thiruchelvam Kula Lumpur, Communication Consultant, Malaysia
E-Mail: shanthi_tc@yahoo.com
Image Audit(IA)is brilliant for an organisation to embark on before drawing the PR proposal. It would ease narrow the Perception Gap. An alternative terminology to IA is stakeholders audit- internal & external.
An audit of this nature and its findings would assist the PR counsultancy to draw a realistic PR calendar for the client- thus,the recommendation of the PR objectives and proposed tools can be developed strategically to position the organisation positively.
TN Ashok, Former Economic Editor of PTI and Corporate Consultant, Delhi
E-Mail: ashoktnex@gmail.com
Image audit is an excellent tool to gauge ones image or public perception to know the good and bad about an organisaton and move forward in a positive manner.
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